How to give an admin access to your team

    To add a new member to your team TDC CMS (English) or SGC TDC FR (French), first, the user must be an admin inside of any of the subscribers.

    If the user is still not in the system, please create a new member inside of any of the subscribers, we suggest creating a new member inside any of the two templates “Transat Travel Template” or “Voyages Transat Template” and assign the role “Admin”.

    Once the user is in the system as an admin member you are ready to add to your team, here are the steps:

    1- Access the admin dashboard by clicking on the red top menu icon.

    2- From the first column, select the team you want to add your member: TDC CMS (English), or SGC TDC FR (French).

    3- Once you are under the team dashboard page, look for the “Admins” list located in the center column, and start typing him/her email address. If the user is a member of any of the subscribers, a list of suggested users will show, as soon as you see the email, select and just click enter. If the admin user belongs to a different team just copy the email and click enter.

    Note: If the member's email doesn't show inside the admin's list is very possible he/she is not an admin user.

    After you finish the process be sure you notify the new member sending all need it information, subscriber link, and password.

    by Pim Rongkasuwan on April 20, 2022 in Before your trip