Creating a new member to your subscription

    Only admin role users will be able to add members to a subscriber/agency.

    1- Unless you are already inside the subscriber/agency admin, the first step will be to access the admin dashboard by clicking on the red top menu icon. Otherwise, go directly to the third step.

    2- Search the agency/subscriber by typing the name or domain, and select/click as soon as you see it. You will redirect to the agency/subscriber dashboard.

    3- Once you are inside the agency admin, click on the top menu setting icon.

    Note: If you do not select the agency where you want to add the new member you will end up adding he/she in a different subscriber. Be sure you are seeing the name of the agency in the header.

    4- Inside the setting page please look for the “Manage my team” link on the right side and click.

    5- Next page is the list of members, if it is empty, no worries, you are here exactly for that purpose. Just click on the red button “+ New” located at the right corner. You will see a form appearing on your right side. Please start adding the new member information, all fields are required, except the photo. After, click on “Create”.

    Note: For the password, you can use the online tool, just be sure to set the 8 lengths.

    6- Now you will finish setting up the user. Inside the form, you will find multiple fields, some of them are not required like Address, About, Social Links, or Photo, we are not currently showing any of that information in the TDC front-end. Even though, you are free to fill them out.

    The system automatically generates the username and we recommend keeping it as it is because the “Username” is unique for each user.

    The other field that is automatically selected when creating a member is the “Role” and here is very important you decide if you want to update it or not. Please check the link “The difference between all the roles” will help you better understand what are the permissions each role has.

    Only select the admin role if you want the user to access the “Team Dashboard”. If the user is just a subscriber member keep it as “Employee”.

    Note: For members, please do not select the role “customer” he/she will not have access to the front-end or the admin dashboard.

    by Pim Rongkasuwan on April 20, 2022