Agency Section

    After selecting one of the agencies from the main admin dashboard you will redirect to a page with a quick view of all elements related to the agency/subscriber. Here is the explanation for each section.


    Located at the top-right of the page you will see a few links. Check the image below to know what each of the links is about:

    • Switch: (Subscriber Admin View) what a subscriber will see.
    • Analytics: Check how the agency is doing, views, emails sent…
    • Newsletter: No currently applied to TDC agencies, you will see an empty page.
    • Files: Where you can upload access to any file (Images or PDFs)
    • Content: All content published or created inside the agency: blogs, products, offers (partners or category of business), photo posts, and pages.

    Agency Main Information

    The first column will show you the main information related to the agency/subscriber. Here are fields to quickly update the Agency Name, main contact email, types, domain name, SSL domain name, status, and group/s that you want to assign.

    Note: Remember you have access to all agency information fields inside the "settings" page, just click on the icon at the very top menu. Check the image below:


    Quick View Agency Information and Stats

    From the dashboard page, you also can get some general information related to the agency. If you want to go into detail, just click on any of the links at the top menu.

    by Pim Rongkasuwan on April 20, 2022 in Before your trip