How to write content and add pictures in the body content

    1. If you click on number 1 it will show this option, choose one and it will make your text look like this (below)

    Heading 1

    Heading 2

    Heading 3

    Heading 4


    2. Is a text alignment

    3. will make your text look like this(Bold)

    4. will make your text look like this(Italic)

    5. will make your text look like this(Underline)

    6. will make your text look like this(Strikethrough)

    7. Is a font background colour (click on the drop down to choose a colour, click on the eraser icon to remove).

    8. Is a font colour (click on the drop down to choose a colour, click on the eraser icon to remove).

    9. to decrease indent

    10. to increase indent

    • 11. will make your text look like this (Bulleted list, click on the drop down to choose a style)
    1. 12. will make your text look like this (Numbered list, click on the drop down to choose a style)

    13. will make your text look like this (Block quote)

    14. to add a special character like this ⇒⇑⇓⇠⇢⇡⇣

    15. to insert a table

    16. to add a Horizontal line

    17. will make your text look like this - You can a link URL to your text

    18. to insert a picture

    by Pim Rongkasuwan on October 12, 2021